About Matt Rose

As a dedicated fashion professional with 7+ years of experience, I have honed elite skills in technical garment and accessory design, both through the use of technical flats, mockups, 3d modeling with programs such as Clo3d & Blender, as well as being able to bring my designs to life through pattern making, fabric manipulation, cut n sew and draping. Now, I’m a Junior at The University of Michigan and as of January 2025, I’m spending 5 months in Italy studying fashion design at Santa Reparta International School of Art and Academia D’Arte.

I take pride in crafting compelling brand narratives, envisioning innovative within my designs, and fostering collaboration to achieve success. My passion for fashion and branding drives me to constantly learn, grow, and contribute to this ever-evolving industry.

Feel free to click on my resume tab to see my career experience in detail, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy exploring the pictures, videos and designs within my digital museum.

Forward Always,

Matt Rose